Saturday, December 18, 2010

4 years, 6 months and 24 days ago.....

that was our first LID (log in date) when we had Zoe's dossier sent to China. Just yesterday and possibly more on Monday/Tuesday the referrals for babies are coming in for people with that LID. Can you imagine waiting that long?!?! it's pure craziness. We started our journey to Zoe with the idea of a healthy baby girl as young as possible. After much waiting we went "special needs" route and were so happy we was 2 1/2 year old Yidi we got!!! She's a perfect fit for our family and really has brought much joy and happiness to our family. She had heart surgery as a baby but other than that....PERFECT!!! God knew she was meant for our family before we did and we are thankful that she is.

So now.....4 years, 6 months and 24 days since that LID....we are home with Zoe almost 3 years and going back for another sweet orphan child. The wait is hard but oh so worth it. I'm happy for the new families that are finally getting their dreams made and am not the least bit upset that we didn't wait it out....that we took a leap of faith in the "special needs" and said yes to Zoe.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to believe people waiting that long, as we know the Nancy and Doug waited that long. I really feel sad that they have to wait that long now. But it is amazing how God masters all of this and open doors that you didn't know where there to open.
