Sunday, August 22, 2010

He's off the list!

Just a quick update....we found out that Qing Qing is off the shared list and is being specifically held for us! We now need to get going as quickly as we can on his paperwork so it can get to China to be processed and get him home!

This will be a VERY trying period as I'm starting school (graduated 25 years ago!!!), working (at least only part time), being a parent (full time!!!) and completing all the adopting requirements and paperwork! My sister is going to help me sort through the adoption paperwork and basically be telling me what to do....I'll need that.

For now I be really thankful he's been pulled off the shared list and available to only us! It's pretty surreal right now. I can't believe this is happening as we were not planning on adopting again. I always thought about it but Steve was a NO WAY! He's come around and I know he gets nervous about the money aspect but once he's home and in our family I really believe he'll be a perfect fit just like Zoe was. to bed, it is a school night ya know!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats!!! That's such an exciting step! Good luck w/ all the paperwork!
